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"I had my QHHT session with Liz in November 2020 & it is honestly the gift that keeps giving!

It was one of the most amazing & unique experiences I have had in my life. It has transformed (& continues to transform) my life in positive & profound ways- especially with improving relationships and realising my life purpose. After the session I felt energised, refreshed & revitalised, with a new zest for life! It was so uplifting & I continue to have ‘light bulb’ moments & positive changes months after the session!


It also helped me to completely overcome my fear of tunnels & small spaces. To put it simply- I avoided all tunnels on the way to my session, however, on the way home I was able to take the tunnel with absolutely no issues or anxiety symptoms at all! I was healed immediately- it was truly amazing!


Liz is such a wonderful practitioner who makes you feel so safe, supported & looked after. She is non- judgemental & so easy to open up & talk to. Liz genuinely wants to give you the best experience & goes to extra lengths to help you get the most out of your session. I feel very privileged to have had this amazing & life changing experience! I highly recommend for everyone to try this at least once in their lifetime."

-Michelle, SYDNEY, NSW




"I highly recommend Liz as a QHHT Practitioner - she is worth every penny, if not more! She is a highly-skilled practitioner and healer who guides you through a wonderful journey of self-realisation and deep healing. I cannot thank you enough for the beautiful session and work that you do, Liz! Thank you!!"

-Beatrice, SYDNEY, NSW.




"Highly recommend Elizabeth, she is amazing at what she does. I felt at ease seeing Elizabeth and she helped me work through some things from the past which I am now able to let go of and move forward. It was such a relaxing experience to the point where I felt like I was floating in a big relaxing bubble! Highly recommend QHHT".





"I recently had QHHT with Elizabeth and can’t recommend her highly enough. I felt so at ease, secure and comforted by her during the whole experience. My journey going forward seems so much clearer now and issues that had weighed me down for many years, no longer of importance. Thanking Elizabeth, just doesn’t seem enough".





"Hi Elizabeth,

After my session my whole life has changed. It is like life just rearranged itself and I just had to focus on staying still while it did! I've been feeling so calm, and I've actually had such amazing little bursts of happiness where I feel like a balloon is in my chest and wants to fly away! I've also just before I've gone to bed had real feelings of gratitude to the universe as it totally opened these new doors up! I've also felt so grateful to all the amazing friends I have! I've been feeling so many more higher happier emotions now!


I realised that all the times when I was ever angry before and I couldn't switch out of it, it was actually because I didn't want to! But now something in me, my higher self is taking more control and helping me realise it actually feels better to be happy! It's so weird to think that my body actually liked being angry or annoyed, but now I've had that moment I know it's so much easier whenever I get angry again to switch out cause I know that it feels better to be happy.


I also have a new quote I really like "I create from wishes and desires, not past experiences". I've been consciously applying this to my daily choices and I really love it!

Love you so much thanks for everything!


P.S During my session when I was conscious of my hands and body they felt like they were made of fairy floss, the usual feel of them there, mingled into my other body parts so it felt like everything was mingling together like fairy floss - it felt so nice!"




"Hi Elizabeth, The session I had with you was amazing. It has made me look at myself so differently. I am much kinder to myself and it seems I am able to move on in difficult times and not get stuck in paralysis. It’s like there is no resistance and can accept what is. The session with you just bought out what I didn't know about myself. Listening over the recorded session especially where I speak from my higher self is grounding. It is like a reset button and so assuring, i sense my ability to be confident. I now associate this experience as a knowing that i have that confidence within me at all times. Thank you again and Lots of love to you and your family Elizabeth, I look forward to seeing you again in the future!!"





"Good morning Elizabeth, 

I just wanted to say thank you again for the amazing session I had with you yesterday. You are so incredibly beautiful , Warm and loving and I felt the whole time so safe and held. I knew there was nothing that could harm me at all! It was an incredible luxury to be so totally wrapped in loving light and feeling like  the most important person on earth. It was a very special and unique experience. My family told me that I was somehow different, as we met in the afternoon. They said I was so joyous, and calm and all that resentment had fallen off me, I was so accepting and loving. My husband noted I had a totally different smile, it looked like it came from deep within. Thanks heaps. Love and Light".




The below email was from a client who came for her 2nd QHHT session with me. She was shown 2 different past lives (one was from the holocaust days, where she was a victim of the atrocities that happened. The 2nd past life was that of a princess. Here’s what she had to say:

"Hi Elizabeth,

My rational self didn’t want to go near my recordings from you, and I was just fired up with a story of anger against those Worldly perpetrators... I was very aware of all those aspects playing out in me and just hung in there and experienced that storm, till it eventually brought me to peace. Looking back at those two weeks after our session now, it feels like it was the last fight that my rational self put up to convince me that all this past live stuff is just a load of bull and nothing makes sense. I have to smile, as it does all make total sense now, which I experience with knowing when I get back to my recordings. 

Another fascinating thing I discovered Later on was the connection of the characters In the life of that white princess. I remember that I told you that nothing of this princess life made sense to me at the time and it felt like a story I had just made up of bits and pieces that had nothing in common. So I went and did some research on that name Isolde (I had no idea about her) and wanted to find out what was written about it ...I found ...

The name means “the fair one “the “white one” or ice ruler. It is thought to be Celtic but could originate in Germany! In the Celtic legends there was a princess, a beautiful, white princess called Isolde. 

That castle “Neu Schwanstein “is in Bavaria, where Richard Wager (in my session the horse’s name) wrote his operas. He was inspired by this legend and wrote his Famous opera “Tristan and Isolde “. It is a tragic love story between the white princess and the warrior. When I saw all these connections I was blown away. There was one more name that was in my visualisation and it was Matilda (Isolde /Matilda). And then I stumbled over the fact that Wagner had a Very dear to his heart lady Friend who he apparently was deeply in love with, but because he was married and she was too, they only had a platonic relationship. This lady’s name was Matilda!!! (I could not believe it). It looks like this Richard wager channels his Real live unfulfilled, love for Matilda into the character Of his opera here into Isolde and her warrior lover , he writes his operas in the castle Neu Schwanstein . Isolde is a white princess, fair, ice ruler, warrior.... 


After I had connected all those elements I realised that I had gotten a huge wack from the universe. Wake up it said we are always trying to talk to you! How much clearer can the signs for connection get?? I am so hit by those connections, that I will explore these characters and the legend a bit more! It got me very intrigued into the mystery. 


Just thinking, we get our signs, always! 

I am at peace again, calm and joyous. 

I am feeling safe and positive knowing that all is good. 

I feel that I have made peace with those dark elements in me that were of the past. Somehow the light has brought them up into the bright day and they are not so Scary or real anymore. I have embraced them, seen them as a part of me and it made them dissolve.


Thank you again for your amazing incredible session and deeply loving support. It’s an amazing and empowering journey that leaves me totally intrigued and yet smiling with the knowing that all is of course miraculously perfect! How could I ever forget? 😇"





" I recently undertook a QHHT session with Elizabeth. From the time I was greeted at the door until this day I have felt strongly supported by and comfortable with Elizabeth. Our stories are very rarely fairytales and Elizabeth listens without judgement and genuinely understood my struggles. I left the session feeling more in tune with my inner self and like a weight had been lifted, which I had carried for the majority of my life. I was not one of the many people that could feel immediate healing in some areas but with daily new practises and belief, these will come. Connecting with our higher self through Elizabeth’s guidance is definitely something everyone should try. Can not recommend her highly enough".

With much love & gratitude 
Cindy, New South Wales, Australia




"Hello everyone,

I did my quantum healing session with Elizabeth and I have only positive words to share. I have heard of the technique many times before but I never had the courage to do it. Going into my first session I didn't know what to expect however Elizabeth is very calming and has a beautiful soul only helping me to rest easy and not stress at all. I came out learning a lot about my past and how they are reflections that can be used to help achieve the best version of myself. It is safe and a door I can only hope everyone opens and explores even if it is just once. Don't wait or hold back. Embrace the possible with quantum healing." 

-Erol Ozsener, SYDNEY, NSW. 




"Such an incredible experience! I have never done anything like QHHT before and was somewhat hesitant in doing it but I can confidently say I’d do it again! I did my session out of pure curiosity and I am so glad I took the opportunity to do it. To have had an out of body experience and connect with past lives in such a safe way was unforgettable. It is an experience like no other that left me speechless! Elizabeth is a very warm and open person that instantly makes you feel comfortable. She is an excellent facilitator and I would highly recommend her to anyone who is curious or interested in QHHT. You will not regret it!!"

-Katrina Lamas, SYDNEY, NSW




"I had a QHHT session today and all I can say is WOW. I feel so blessed to have met Elizabeth and have her take me on a beautiful journey through my past lives and speaking to my higher self. I have had so many light bulb moments already since leaving the session today about why I am the way I am, certain decisions I have made in this lifetime and the reason I have met certain souls in this lifetime. I was shown how I passed in my past lives and I then ascended to spirit where it felt electrifying and euphoric. I was actually experiencing what the spirit world felt like as though it were me and I was looking back at my body “the vessel” as I transitioned. Really powerful stuff!


I also received a very powerful healing. As a cancer survivor this was important to me. As the healing was taking place, I instantly felt a warmth, and tingling in the areas that needed it. It felt absolutely euphoric. My back pain already feels so much better and I can’t wait to see the rest of the improvements. 


I highly recommend Elizabeth and QHHT. Elizabeth has a way of making you feel at ease, safe and supported through the whole process. I am going to be recommending Elizabeth to everyone I know! Thank you again, Elizabeth!"





"Elizabeth is a very nurturing, patient and intuitive practitioner. I went into my session not knowing what to expect and was amazed at the part of myself I was able to access and the answers I was able to receive. I found this experience very comforting and confirming. I was left feeling empowered and re-energised. Thank you Elizabeth for helping me to experience something so powerful and awakening."





"Hi Elizabeth. I wanted to thank you for the incredible experience last Tuesday. My expectations were nothing when I came to see you. I knew a good deal about QHHT from reading about Dolores Cannon but did not realise how powerful the method responds to your needs. It's been two days since then and I'm still under the influence of the relaxation. I have since listened to the recording you made for me and realised that there is so much more in it that ties together like a jigsaw puzzle of my life. Things that didn't seem important at the time are now very real truths about my past and my personality. I have wondered for many years about the physical stresses on my body manifesting in pain and discomfort and now understand why I have them. The anxiety I have built up over a long time has been released by gentle allowance and the benefits are surprising. I believe the drugs I have been taking will no longer be necessary to prevent the pain I was getting. Only time will tell. It's early days. Often just understanding the nature of the problem can help solve the issue you may have. For any one contemplating this technique I can recommend it without question. Trust yourself to make the difference. You have nothing to lose. It's peaceful, easy and non intrusive. Just relax and enjoy the experience."


One month after Paul's QHHT session:

"Hi Elizabeth. 

I wanted to give you an update of our recent  QHHT session. The two issues I was dealing with have now begun to repair themselves. The bladder is now what I call normal and the irritable bowel has at long last settled to a comfortable level. I knew from the session that the benefits would not be immediate. When you consider that the latest episode started in January I suppose it would take a while to adjust. 

             Just a simple observation that occurred to me. We all live every day with constant "chatter." This the voice talking to us every moment of every day and never stops. It allows us to make decisions. It directs our movements. It literally runs our lives. It determines our health. The two exceptions are. When under hypnosis and while meditating. Obviously, while you're asleep the "chatter" stops. If it were possible to stop that "chatter" during the day what would happen? My answer is that you would live by instinct. Instinct is the "Sc" or subconscious mind (higher self). So we begin to live our lives directed by the Sc. The all knowing self. I believe this is possible. Given that we have always listened to the "chatter" it is not easy to stop. Train yourself to quiet the "chatter" and the higher self kicks in and the benefits become obvious almost immediately. Meditation certainly helps. 

             The QHHT session actually makes you aware of this and gives you a "grounding" so you can make your own observations. Once again thank you for the session. It remains an awakening in my life."

-Paul. Budgewoi. NSW. 



"Thank you Elizabeth for facilitating this healing session for me. You presented yourself in a very professional manner and your room has a very calming feel to it. While listening  to my recordings I have allowed my body to continue further healing and have felt things shifting each time. This was the first time I was in a safe environment to allow vocal connection with the issues I was healing which felt quite empowering being able to express my feelings. I have noticed an improvement in my posture and I had discomfort in my right hip and hamstring for a few days which obviously was as things realigned. Now my left hip is complaining as it is taking longer to settle into it's new position due to the shortening of the bone by 1cm from the accident. I look forward to complete healing in all areas that were discussed during our session and others that have come up when listening to the recording which I requested complete healing for as well. I would be happy to recommend others to you for this work." 





"Hi Elizabeth

Thank you so much for my Quantum Healing session. I must say I was very impressed by your very professional and thorough approach.  You explained every thing so clearly I had nothing left to ask and all in a friendly conversational manner that made me feel very comfortable. I was surprised that the time passed so quickly.  I felt like I had been there less than half that time. I left feeling very calm and relaxed and was able to re visit some of the issues we covered and look at them from a totally different perspective. Now two days later I feel that I have that same calmness about me and the improvements in my knees and body aches are still functioning very well. Thank you once again.  I will be happy to recommend your healing to anybody."

Cheers, Roy




“If you are stuck in a rut in your life and looking for answers, struggling with health issues, have questions about your purpose in this world or wanting to nurture and heal yourself, I can’t recommend Elizabeth’s QHHT session enough. You can’t put a price on your well-being in this life and I truly believe Elizabeth’s services are worth every penny. I was struggling with emotional trauma from having a rough pregnancy, some tough health issues, holding onto losing loved ones, holding onto many unresolved psychological issues and not being able to deal with life. I felt so lost and had truly given up on ever finding a solution to my health and happiness. My friend recommended I see Elizabeth and I am forever greatful. From the moment I met Elizabeth, I knew I had found my solution. She is so welcoming, loving, open and inspirational. She takes your personal needs seriously and is so passionate with helping you heal. Her passion is driven from her own testimony having healed herself. She knows what works and wants to share it with the world. Elizabeth is professional and takes pride in her meticulous work. I felt so safe and loved in the beautiful space she has created. When you go in for a QHHT session, you need to have an open mind, have 100% trust in the process and be ready to change your life. You need to dedicate the entire day to yourself and take it easy after your healing. I promise you that Elizabeth’s QHHT session will be worth it and will change your life. You will regret not taking such a unique and special opportunity like this.”





"I had the opportunity to experience a QHHT session with Elizabeth recently, I am in awe of what is involved and what can be achieved. My life questions have been answered and healing has taken place. I am pain free in a part of my body that once was absorbed in chronic pain, how you ask? Even I am still trying to get my head around it and yet it is real! Book a session with Elizabeth if you can it is definitely a life changing experience."





"I was given a chance to meet Elizabeth. My daughter had made the appointment for me as a surprise. Well it was !! My life hasn't been your average,   my childhood seemed to be full of alcohol and violence, my marriage? The same ! And since my husbands' death it's been hard but in different ways. So I went to the appointment with an open mind and a lot of hope. Elizabeth has most certainly changed my " being " for the better. I haven't felt this FREE ever and the clarity and peace I feel is something I  can't remember ever feeling. My experience with Elizabeth was unforgettable. Her gentle voice is so soothing I didn't realize I was in a different place until I was being counted back. Thank you Elizabeth."





"I came into my session feeling very stressed and in a deep hole like no-one loved me at all. When I was speaking with Elizabeth at the beginning of the session I opened my mind and Elizabeth had a soft tone and she explained everything to me and it made me feel more relaxed with her voice. During the session when Elizabeth asked for healing for me I felt like soft electric shock running like blood moving through my body. It was a very good feeling and I feel very relaxed and peaceful and felt like I just wanted to sleep. After the session I feel very good and my whole body is all relaxed. I had to go to the toilet straight after the hypnosis even though I didn't drink much before my session and I bought out a lot of fluid and it felt really good to release and it was like pushing out and releasing bad energy. Now I'm thinking more positive and not negative. I would recommend everyone to try QHHT and come and see Elizabeth."

-Lisa Cartwright, SYDNEY, NSW.  




"I attended the session with an open and positive mind in need of healing. I was longing for answers to unanswered questions, healing for past issues, regaining control over my life, and lacking the drive and motivation to get anywhere with it. I was wanting to reconnect to my true self with a main focus on emotional healing and empowerment. I walked in to be greeted by a very friendly and professional Elizabeth Lee. I could tell that this was going to be a positive experience straight away just from the presence she gave the room. She was extremely professional, welcoming and thorough, and made me feel at home, at ease and comfortable with the session and the whole idea of quantum healing. We had a chat about all of the things I wanted to cover and she also offered some advice and suggestions to help outside of the session and reminded me that she was only guiding me through and that most of the healing is done from within and from my higher self. As the session begun, I kept an extremely open mind and let Elizabeth take me wherever she felt the session needed to go and helped to guide my thoughts and the higher consciousness to find the answers I was looking for. 


The session lasted 4 hours in total (2 hours of getting to know one another and going through my questions, checking that I had covered everything I would like and ensuring that Elizabeth was on the same page for the session.) The hypnosis lasted for one and a half hours but only felt as if it were 20 mins or so. I woke after feeling extremely refreshed and enlightened and almost immediately realised what had just happened, and that the answers were always inside and locked away in my higher subconscious, but weren’t accessible to my conscious state of mind. We sat and chatted about the session and what I could remember and Elizabeth made sure I was okay with everything and that all of my questions were answered and that I felt okay and happy walking away. She also gave me some other suggestions, further reading and tools to help with self-development and ongoing healing and went above and beyond during the session and made me feel so comfortable as if I were talking to a friend.


I am extremely thankful and grateful to have been gifted with such an empowering gift of healing and to have been given the tools to help with ongoing self-healing and connection to my higher self, enabling me to connect to my true purpose and help guide me onto the path I am meant to take in life. Elizabeth was so lovely, selfless and non-judgemental, I felt so comfortable and shared everything and my whole self to be given the gift of healing in return. I feel during this session you only get out what you put in, so my only advise would be to keep an extremely open mind, trust Elizabeth and trust the process. She is a well-educated facilitator in this field and extremely knowledgeable and professional. To be given a copy of the recording at home also allows for further evaluation and allows the healing to be bought into the conscious and reinforce everything that was discussed during the session.


Elizabeth is amazing and so well trained at asking your higher self the questions, she was able to self-direct and reword the questions and prompt when required to allow for the most acute answers. I am forever grateful for the healing and would highly recommend to anyone feeling lost in life, unmotivated, disconnected, needing answers, wanting to feel emotionally or physically healed, looking for other forms of healing, wanting to find out what’s missing or even just to recharge. It is the new way of medicine and becoming increasingly more popular, so do yourself a favour and look after yourself and get a healing done. Your future and higher self will thank you for it and be prepared for your current self to reap the rewards. A truly unforgettable experience."

-Anonymous, Newcastle Area, NSW




"I can highly recommend Elizabeth to facilitate a QHHT session. The space she has created is warm and welcoming. Despite some trepidation as to what would be discovered during the session, or not, I immediately felt completely at ease and comfortable. There was a sense of knowing and connection at another level. It was easy to open myself to this kind and gentle soul who guided me through an amazing session. The session itself was totally different to what I expected (I had previously researched the work and other people’s experiences prior to embarking on this journey). I was unsure about what I would find in my subconscious but it became quite apparent that what was shown to me was relevant to my current reality. Surprisingly, the visualisations were not nearly as profound as the body sensations that occurred to me during the sessions. These sensations were talking to me and revealing aspects of myself that I could not have known otherwise. Since listening to the recording again this morning prior to sleep I am amazed at new information that I don’t recall previously. Great stuff. Thank you Elizabeth, you are amazing."

-Merrideth, TAMWORTH, NSW




"My QHHT session with Elizabeth Lee was a wonderful and pleasant experience. I was able to reach the theta state quickly due to the relaxing and peaceful aura in the room and Elizabeth's gentle nature. Elizabeth was very patient and took her time throughout the session ensuring I gained and benefited the most from it. I felt safe at all times and was completely aware of my surroundings, the questions being asked and the answers I gave. I would highly recommend a QHHT session with Elizabeth for those seeking to tap into their subconscious state to learn more about themselves and answer any pondering questions they may have."

- Kevin, SYDNEY, NSW.







I'm so grateful for my QHHT session with Elizabeth at her wonderful, welcoming studio. It didn't take long for me to get comfortable enough to open up in our conversations prior to me going into theta. This was the very first hypnosis session I've ever had and to say I was apprehensive and nervous would be an understatement. I'll be honest, I didn't do much research into what the experience would be like for fear of expectation and suggestive results. I'm glad because there is no way I could have been prepared for the experience.


I laid down on the comfy bed, a blanket covered me up to my neck and I just felt safe after having opened up about my past. I got nervous and couldn't stop smiling but Elizabeth never made me feel silly or like I was doing anything wrong. As she spoke in different tones and speeds I could feel myself going into a deeper relaxation but I was fully aware of my thoughts, my body and my surroundings. Then I was lead into visualisations and thats when things changed. I'm familiar with meditation and I guess that's the closest I could describe what "going into theta" felt like but this was so much deeper, like you could go to sleep at any moment but you never do. I never felt panicked or nervous, it all just flowed like I was dreaming... but I wasn't.


We're all aware of our subconscious but in this environment, instead of just being considered as merely a suggestive part of our sense of self, it had centre stage. Listening back to the recording I can hear the tone of my voice change which you would think would be alarming but it was actually comforting. I regressed to a past life and things came to light which made so much sense. I was shown the life of an Aztec woman from a first person point of view. Before the session I knew nothing about Aztecs and when I got home I listened to the recording and drew everything I could remember on paper; objects, buildings, fabrics, people etc.  Once I was done I then googled all those things... my jaw was on the floor, details I couldn't imagine.


Everyone's experience is different and if I'm honest I'm still processing a lot of it so I don't want to share too much more. I saw things I couldn't imagine, I felt guidance and the part I'm still trying to wrap my mind around, healing. My biggest take away from the experience was that I'm actually very tuned into my Higher Self in my day to day life and that's something to be acknowledged and celebrated. Thank you Elizabeth for guiding me to my truths, forever grateful." 

-Danielle, RICHMOND, NSW




"I recently had the pleasure to experience a QHHT session with Elizabeth. I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting but I do know I got more out of it than I thought possible. I found the experience quite cathartic in many ways. Elizabeth is both attentive and patient and she was genuinely interested in all I had to say. I would certainly recommend Elizabeth to anyone seeking to experience QHHT first hand. She is here for a reason and part of that reason lies in helping others connect to their inner guidance and I am grateful for the experience I had connecting to mine." 

- Michelle M, SYDNEY, NSW.




"My session with QHHT: allowing time to write your questions is extremely important. I found it to be quite relaxing and during it I felt aware but separated. My mind tried to wonder but the questions were important as when the healing was asked for I felt stiffness in certain parts of my body.That night I listened to the recording and realised that a lot of it past and present is in my life now and this has given me a greater understanding of myself. When I was listening to my recording I had a headache and felt cold and tired but slept extremely well upon waking the next morning. I felt clearly in control of my future. Thank you so much Elizabeth, I would recommend QHHT."





"Being the husband of Elizabeth, I was indeed her first client and yes her guinea pig. Being totally honest I was somewhat sceptical of the QHHT process and I did not know what to expect. Prior to my QHHT session, I was in fact going through a healing crisis which was effecting me physically, mentally and spiritually. I can say that the entire process was enlightening, Elizabeth was patient and I felt safe the entire time. I obtained the answers needed to begin my healing journey and I personally received white light healing, which was WONDERFUL! My last thing I heard and said was HEALED! Be open to QHHT, I would highly recommend this to anyone who requires answers to what is happening in their current life. You will not be disappointed, much thanks to my wife, YOU ARE AMAZING!"


© 2019 by Elizabeth Lee. All rights reserved.

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